Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Play Pokemon Silver Online Save

Norway 2007 - Romantic play of light

Diary entry of 25 May 2007

Today, falls on Saturday, a trip to A (with curls) literally into the water. It starts to rain just as we strap on our backpacks for the walk on his back. So we postponed our plans and control instead of the idyllic Nusfjord. In a boutique I buy a book about Norway as a beautiful keepsake.

go on tour in the harbor and climb up some high rocks to Nusfjord to photograph from above. A further stage leads us to Sund. There should be a multi-colored painted school. But we have not found.

Heading we get past a small fishing cottage. There are freshly caught and smoked fish. And in this shop my parents are, of course, indispensable. With a satisfied grin and come fully loaded with the two bags from the business.

do After a short nap and a delicious maritime binge with Kattfisch and cod we shot some overfed bellies even a long walk with romantic lighting effects (the sun painted spots in all shapes and sizes on the mountain walls) and loving exchange of ideas. Now I should really start times to write with maps, I lazy pig oink * *

PS: Today we reached a message from home: Peggy has three vomited. And I do not know where!

And something great here, you can see the way, if you happen to eyes. Mailboxes painted
seems to be a very popular hobby in Scandinavia:)

1980's Electronic Battleship Game To Buy

Norway 2007 - flotsam

diary entry of 25 May 2007

We let the gaping Caravan squatters behind us and make our way to our next quarter.

encountered a small church in Flakstad us on the journey from Kabelvag to Reine. It was - so legend - built of flotsam. So that no one gets the idea to steal it, it is guarded by grumpy-faced Galloway cattle. This can hardly look in the eyes.

About Ramberg we continue to Reine. In Hamnoy, a cute fishing village surrounded by huge mountains, we get a pretty big Rorbua. From the windows in the living room offers us a breathtakingly beautiful view of the mountains and the sea.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

How To Restore Vinyage Formica

Norway 2007 - Wilhelm II on the track

diary entry of 24 May 2007

On the Kaiser route today we suck the wild beauty of the Lofoten in picture-book weather in us. From Svolvaer, we walk in the footsteps of William the Imperial II Passing dusted with powdered sugar mountains we follow a gravel road up to Digermulen.

our path lined with lush meadows, rugged cliffs and a fabulous sandy beach raises Caribbean Feeling:

Not just the weather ("if traveling angels") is instinctively inclined - even the animal kingdom gives us some fascinating insights: Two fish eagle on a rock, looking from the engine noise startled, their great wings the width. Furthermore, we discover some wild chickens, lots of herons, fish, and witness a spectacular aerial war between an eagle and three seagulls.

On Raftsund we walk along a piece of walk to the entrance of the Troll Fjord to find. From the shore we catch a glimpse of Lauksund. It used a "pearl" in Raftsund, now only a sad ruin.

few miles further we admire "Pundslett" with countless islands and the place Hamaroy (O is crossed out) in the background.

on the beautiful sandy beach of Arsteinen I would have been still able to employ an eternity with shelling. The sand is white and consists mainly of Korallenteilchen. Brave as she is, Mom has even feet into freezing cold water, but quickly jumps back to the beach.

An imperial crown that day meal: In the savings market from Svolvaer find delicious Mum and Dad Saithe. Maybe not as fresh as the catch huge specimens of the fishermen in Digermulen pulled out of the fjord - but just as tasty.

And now I sit here and hope that my three adventurers in this torrent that has just fallen from the sky, have found a dry spot on the road. Hmmm, if I should send out a search party?

Loop Antenna Inductance

Norway 2007 - mudslinging

diary entry of 23 May 2007

The day begins with an ice cold shower and stuck in the mud Norwegian border, pardon of a Norwegian mobile home.
Because the "Social Day" today, we throw our jackets on and rush to the desperate family man to help. His Luxury motor home has been dug with all fours in the mud (the night before it had been raining very heavily). Women and children sit in it and it does not make the rescue attempt just easier. It goes back and forth. Four-wheel drive and automatic transmission, well, congratulations!

By joining forces, we brace ourselves against the part of the motorhome, which has not only grown to look great. But the vehicle moves just do not budge. There can be no pushing and pressing, no sand, no gravel, no cursing. We surrender. The breakdown must be found.

Five minutes after the call he is there already. Ratzfatz is the mobile home, free and we can finally . Breakfast

is packed with rucksacks's on tour. We take so long after Henningsvaer, until at last the sun shines for a short time. The wind is bitterly cold and pricks like a thousand needles on the skin. But the fishing villages are beautiful. A breathtaking photo opportunity chasing the next, so that Dad "stop and go" to drive. In between, we keep in stock beastly stinking fish and on a gorgeous sandy beach on the Lofoten Islands. I refuse to walk on the "outdoor toilet" because I did not feel like vollzupinkeln in this strong wind.

A windblown walk with emotional storms and cold fins rounded off this eventful day. I hope it stays this cold will not last ...

Monday, December 10, 2007

Vespa Granturismo Motorcycle Helmets

Norway 2007 - Adventure Troll Fjord

diary entry of 22 May 2007

Early in the morning we are back on their feet. This time has to go pretty quick, because if we miss the Hurtigruten ship, a full day is lost.

we sail by ferry from Bognes after Lodige (with slash through the O) and from there Stokmarknes.

appears the clock at 14.15 for the Hurtigruten so typical smokestack on the horizon. Finally it's here: The "Nordlys".

follows Here is an informative Wikipedia entry:)

Hurtigruten (Norwegian for The fast line) is the name for the Norwegian shipping line Post that since 1893 the locations of over 2700 km long connects Norwegian west coast. Now take the combined freight, passenger and cruise ships the coastline Norway between Bergen and Kirkenes into six and a half days and pass scenic coastal areas, in summer, the Troll Fjord and Geirangerfjord . The Hurtigruten route today is in addition to their function Transport as an internationally known tourist attraction .

on board we now occupy the three rubber rear folding chairs, in order to give our tired feet a break. The battle for the best seats at the bow is already in full swing as we glide through the picturesque Raftsund (the gateway to the Lofoten). On steep rock walls, steep cliffs and islands by cute, we control for nearly an hour on the Raftsundbrücke. At the top, in the middle of the long curved bridge is Papa and waves (so he has not only us a smile magic - we're not the only ones who wave back lively).

Probably the best part of the Hurtigruten journey leads us into the Troll Fjord - under a blue sky and bright sunshine - as the Troll Fjord-tourism is rarely granted. Here they

has so held, according to legend and real: The bloody battle of fishermen around the cod. Incredible, but true. Even today you will hear the screams and gunfire echoing from the cliffs. But it ahnnungslose tourists see today nothing. Only the stunning beauty of the wild cliff gorges and waterfalls. And then this exciting moment in where the huge ship actually turns in the narrow Troll Fjord in order to drive forward out again. Wow, you can almost touch the branches of the trees on the shore with outstretched hands

And then we head Svolvaer, where we are already waiting for Dad.

What a great ride with an infinite number of impressions that burn into the retina. Such moments would never be forgotten. You have something magical like a kiss on the Arctic Circle:) While we are

geschippert with the Hurtigruten through world history, dodged frantically photographing people and have been nice American model has, for Papa us a pretty cottage worried - not far from Svolvaer.

Just as we have made this really comfortable (the heater is in full swing, the table is already set for the dumplings), we have the assurance that the water heater in the ass. We are left with no choice. We take the whole thing with humor and exchange on this occasion the inner workings of both houses of something:) The fact that the stupid Germans would (never thought I would say) are next door while almost the eyes out, troubles us little . They just nothing better to do than behind the curtain in her trailer to watch out everything and everyone. And if they are caught gazing, they look away quickly and pull the curtain. You can do an almost a little sorry:)

Finally some ravioli! After this involuntary move exactly the right thing. And is faster than I like, I lie in bed and sleep soundly ... Jens himself crawling into bed with me as I notice them at all. Like a stone I sleep through until morning.

PS: If you want to know about the battle in the Troll Fjord or the Lofoten Islands, will you look at

Amare Compression Shirt

Norway 2007 - noise in the head

diary entry of 21 May 2007

much earlier than planned, we can leave the hut.

first Station:

The "Formofossen"

A fascinating aspect of how the water masses wallow in the valley, the mist sprayed against us. And how exciting it is to stand on a slippery rocks, rages while around us the water!

I even hear the noise in my head ...

On our journey we have now crossed a lot of "tunnels".
rain, snow and ice dominated the picture on the way to Polarsirkelen Center.

It's crazy, a few kilometers there was still no snow and Fitzelchen
here at the Arctic Circle is sinking, if one is not careful, almost to knee deep in snow
. Here Jens has also brought wet feet: P Schadenfreude is, after
the greatest joy. This should however not last long. That on a subsequent foray
I took in a brook an involuntary foot bath. But
I think it was not quite as icy cold as the Arctic Circle:)

Get out!

What follows is like a real roller coaster ride through "Nord Norge. The landscape changes
nearly every 20 minutes. We encounter reindeer and cranes, and miracle of miracles, I discover
actually a moose! And under him crouched in the grass, well hidden even two baby moose. are

On the small unfortunately do not see:

in wonderful location, we found a great house with stunning views on Tysfjord foothills.
Is not that a great view out the window?

Ulslag (imagine the thinking of the A ring, which is my keyboard that is not her ...) 20 km before the Tysfjord, our current endpoint. Tomorrow's going to Hurtigruten. Hopefully, the shoes are dry again ... ;)

Finally, a few impressions from Jens. I have compelled him to write spontaneously, which he this day incident.

"The E6 is the most amazing, most fantastic, most varied track that I've ever traveled anywhere from 0 to 1,000 meters, between freezing and spring-like, from reindeer and musk oxen, Eissteppen and mixed forests, plains and giant mountains, sea and mountains . I'm flat. absolute sensory overload. Please give me a moment ... or month. If there should be another "Lord of the Rings" film, Norway could make a great setting. If there are trolls, then HERE. These rocks these fjords. rapids of melt water, plunge into the abyss. Still, it is very unreal to me ... "

Old Implantation Bleeding

Norway 2007 - indefinable birds

diary entry of 20 May

After a delicious breakfast with way too much salmon we will meet again on the socks. But of course not without first again on the lookout boots. It was worth it right this time because the sun was shining. My little pump pounded like crazy when I finally stood on the platform. I think I'm really getting old ...

through a picturesque landscape full of lush green meadows led us the way to stave church "Ringebu" - a beautiful building that fits right into the exciting landscape. A little bird had built a niche in the wood beams of the church. According cursing every time he flew it when I got too close to the nest.

After several miles of driving Fjell (with partially snow-covered mountain peaks), we saw the very first time musk oxen. Later, cranes, and any nondescript funny birds (braunmeliertes plumage, such as pheasant in size with a long curved beak). Stay

we will now in "Hela" and just then I disappear now.

PS: Why the hell are growing here in the middle of this desert and daffodils? My thoughts on
Labskaus I let out subtle (hi, hi):) And why
still smells like garlic Jens?